Meet Dr. Diggs-Andrews

Kelly Diggs-Andrews, PhD is the founder and CEO of Diggs-Andrews Consulting, LLC, a consulting and media company whose goal is to broaden accessibility to science careers through science outreach, diversity training, and professional development. 

She is also a Senior Principal Facilitator with the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), where she leads both in-person and virtual workshops for mentors across career stages and disciplines nationwide. Since 2016, she has worked with over 100 colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, federal agencies, medical institutes, and even those in the private sector to support culture shifts in their work environments and to navigate conversations about culture, inclusivity/accessibility, and education for research scientists, executive leadership, students, and the general public. Her curricular expertise includes Entering Mentoring, Facilitator Training for Entering Mentoring, and Culturally Aware Mentoring.

Dr. Diggs-Andrews earned her BS in Biology from Alabama State University (2005) and her PhD in Biology and Biomedical Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis (2010). She is a trained neuroscientist, cell biologist, and translational researcher and has authored multiple peer-reviewed publications in leading scientific journals (Dr. Diggs’ bibliography). She was also the recipient of the NIH-Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Chancellor’s Diversity Graduate Fellowship, and a National Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Supplement. In her previous role, she served as the Education and Mentoring Fellow with the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and spearheaded an NSF-funded program to develop ASM’s mentoring capacity, to advance investigator-educator collaborations and interdisciplinary research, and to broaden participation of underrepresented individuals in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.